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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | March 9, 2023

Proper technique is the way you carry out a performance whether it is singing or playing piano; good technique is the execution of the song. It is the ability to exert optimal control of your singing voice. Improving your technique entails practicing exercises that strengthen your muscular sensitivity and agility. In order to belt, sing with a mixed voice, use vibrato, inflections and more, you must have solid foundational technique. Relax your facial muscles: release tension in the lips, tongue…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | March 7, 2023

Whatever you do, do your best. If your best is not good enough, learn how to do it better. It doesn’t matter how small the task is, do you best. If you are interning at a studio and you have to get coffee, make sure you get it right! Pay attention and be curious of your surroundings. There is a saying “Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude” or “Attitude Determines Your Destiny.” If you want to be a singer, pianist, musician…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | March 2, 2023

To create an image as an artist can be a difficult task for some people. To help simplify it for you, let’s start with a vision board. A vision board is a power tool for manifesting what you want in your life. Do you want to be a singer, songwriting, pianist, perform with your own band? Or do you want to be a solo artist with your guitar? The vision board will help you pinpoint the steps you need to…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | February 28, 2023

Every athlete warms up before a game to avoid strain or injury; it’s no different with the voice. The best way to relax and loosen up your vocal cords is to warm up the voice before singing, always warm up!!  Using the diaphragm and breath support can release vocal cord tension. Singing from the throat will cause major vocal cord tension. It’s all about controlling the release of air when you sing. You control the release of air with the…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | February 21, 2023

Branding who you are as an artist is all about self-discovery, you have to know who you are as a singer, songwriter and musician. What is your story? What do you want to say to the world? How do you want the world to see you? What are your values? What kind of music makes you happy? So many questions you need to dig deep inside and find the answers to move forward on your journey. You need to know…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | February 16, 2023

In music every note can be identified by letter name, the first seven letters of the alphabet: A – B – C – D – E – F – G; it’s that simple. There are 8 C’s on a piano, so from one C to the next highest C is called an octave. These notes are used universally so musicians can communicate with each other. To understand what each note sound like, we are going to start with C and…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | February 14, 2023

An artist creates his or her own musical style, a sound all their own, they found their voice! To be an artist you must start molding your own sound. To find your own voice, start with writing down five of your favorite singers (artists). Next to the name write down the qualities you like the most in the artist’s voice. For instance, Christina Aguilera is known for her impressive runs, riffs and range. The powerful mixed voice as well as…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | February 9, 2023

Harmony is the sound of two or more notes being played simultaneously. You can play the harmonies on a piano, other instruments and sing harmonies. The notes used in harmony create a harmonious relationship in a pleasurable sounding way. It is a simultaneous combination of notes creating melodious music. Think of an orchestra, each instrumental section is playing different notes. The strings, brass, and woodwinds all play something different, but they compliment each other. When the individual instruments are heard…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | February 7, 2023

Music is created with rhythm, tempo and timing. One of the first things you see in music notation is the time signature, which tells you how many beats are contained in each measure. Timing is everything for a singer, pianist and musician. To sing or play like a pro you must have the ability to “keep time” accurately and to synchronize with other instruments or singer. Always keep a steady tempo, it’s the easiest way to tell an amateur from…

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By Michelle Ostrove Vocal & Piano Studio | February 2, 2023

There are many ways to write a song, it’s not just one format. Some artists like to write alone, while others collaborate. Sometimes it can start with a melody or a poem that you wrote. Today we are going to dive into writing a song that starts with a riff. If you are a musician this is a great way to write a song. You can build a song from just a riff. What is a riff? It is a…

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